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User talk:Jaymer

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Hi Jaymer. I hope you like the place and choose to stay.

Some links that may be of use:

Check out the Wikipedia:New user log, or here's some stuff you can do, if you want:

You can help improve the articles listed below! This list updates frequently, so check back here for more tasks to try. (See Wikipedia:Maintenance or the Task Center for further information.)

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The Wikipedia is not a place to host your personal files, and as such, they have been voted for deletion.

Thanks, Dysprosia 08:26, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)

If you want to comment or vote on your listing at Wikipedia:Votes for deletion, please make it at that page. Thanks Dysprosia 13:32, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
By the way, this Wiki is set up so users can create articles as one would normally see in an encyclopedia. I do not know what you intend IntelliVIEW headerdetail to be, but the Wikipedia is not set up for users to host their own specialised wikis as a subset of Wikipedia. However, you might be interested in setting up a Wiki of your own on your own server, if you have one, as the Wiki software is available freely to download. Dysprosia 13:36, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Wikipedia is not a free Wiki hosting service. Please feel free to download the MediaWiki software and set it up yourself -- it is free for your use. Misusing the encyclopedia isn't. -- The Anome 18:44, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)

If you need wiki hosting, I offer hosting using the wiki software used by Wikipedia (MediaWiki) for 15 USD/month. Contact me at moeller at scireview dot de if you are interested.—Eloquence 20:48, Mar 19, 2004 (UTC)

Please don't delete the Votes for Deletion headers from articles. RickK | Talk 22:30, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)

This is a warning: Wikipedia does not tolerate personal attacks made against other editors. See Wikipedia:No personal attacks. Insulting other users will not help your case at all.

If you feel your content is worth including, it would be helpful if you would state why, instead of calling other longtime editors here childish names. Dysprosia 02:48, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Try a WikiFarm: You should try http://www.swiki.net. It will allow you to open your own wiki-based forums. The site is free of charge and has three options:

  • semi-public (everyone can read and write)
  • semi-private (everyone can read, but not write)
  • private (only invited persons can read/write)

I think this will meet your needs much better that Wikipedia.

Thanks, BCorr¤Брайен 03:26, Mar 20, 2004 (UTC)


Thank you for pointing out my rashness in calling you a vandal. I am particularly disappointed in myself, for I have in the past been a vocal advocate for being patient with new articles and new users.

I have added a public apology to the VfD page. Please accept my sincere apology.

Recently, I commented at Wikipedia talk:Decision Making Process that our policies are confusing and non obvious. I would appreciate any comment you would care to contribute (positive or negative). Having recently suffered from, at least in part, the lack of clarity in our policies, I think your viewpoint would be helpful.

-Rholton 02:46, 2004 Mar 22 (UTC)

Hi Jaymer, I deleted your test pages. Here is the discussion about them.—Eloquence 06:19, Mar 22, 2004 (UTC)

Wiki namespace used for personal use. Dysprosia 08:23, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)

  • Fast track delete. Anjouli 14:29, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete but after 5 days. theresa knott 15:36, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete. Interesting example. The creator is quoting our rules at us to demand the right to abuse our site for the 5 day deletion period, and inviting the 104 members (103 before I joined) of their Yahoo group to join in, see the note at the bottom of this old version. I'm guessing the creator is making money out of their involvement in the project of which this is part, but I have no hard evidence. I can forward the message from the Yahoo group if you'd rather not join it (and think carefully before joining). Andrewa 16:54, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete with extreme prejudice. RickK | Talk 17:41, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
  • Delete. Wikipedia is not a resource for conducting business. See Wikipedia:What Wikipedia is not, point #20. Seems like there ought to be a way to deal with vandals who are playing on our generosity in order to make use of the sight for 5 days. -Rholton 18:45, 2004 Mar 19 (UTC)
    • I would like to publicly apologize to Jaymar for calling him/her a vandal. Clearly it was far too early for me to come to this conclusion -- a conclusion that I now see was incorrect. I still vote to Delete for the reason I gave above (prior to calling Jaymer a vandal). I also still believe that we have a loophole that real vandals could take advantage of. -Rholton 02:05, 2004 Mar 22 (UTC)
  • Recommend for fast-track deletion. If we don't have a policy to zap pages like this ASAP, we should make one. -- The Anome 18:52, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
  • Speedy deletion. User who created admits it is an advert but insists on his right to include it. -- Decumanus 22:39, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
  • Creator kept deleting the VfD header, I've protected the page. RickK | Talk 22:49, 19 Mar 2004 (UTC)
  • what a bunch a jerks. who the f*** is abusing your precious little site. you can't find my page unless you know the exact name - i was even thinking about donating because its a cool piece of software, but not now - you don't need my money, some of you stuck-ups need a brain. Andrew: "think carefully about joining" - what an idiot! you're not a member of any technical discussion groups on yahoo or forums? what is so worrysome about joining a group like that - geez. we (all 103 of us) are users of the software and want to improve it - oh my!!!
    and Rickk needs a life - boy, he's johnny on the spot to modify my page and remove my note I left telling people to expect a different location in a few days... no, the gestapo man himself has to be monitoring his computer every second to spot when i change the page so he can come in and whack all my text out... get a life loser. fear, uncertainty and doubt preys among you facists. Decumanus: "i admit its an avert" - what are you smoking? ... a discussion page about improving a methodology for dealing with parent/child relational data in an excel-type grid must be akin to terrorism nowadays and high up there on the censorship scale. i guess newbies who aren't in your click don't get very far here without kissing some serious butt and being part of the in-crowd. YAGFY
    hey Rholton - vandal eh? how much have you contributed to this overall project? how do you know i wouldn't have contributed in some way if you weren't such a jerk? mDiv - you gotta be kidding - you'll never make it. there are already tech support and business sites for this product - so in what way am i "conducting business" here?
    • Pages aren't yours at all. Other editors are permitted to work on them, or if they have misgivings about the page, to vote them for deletion and to comment on why they should be deleted. The only pages that are somehow yours are your User and User talk pages. Secondly, personal attacks are not welcome here. Dysprosia 02:46, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)
      • sure, they can edit them, but defacing them and removing my main letter on the discussion page (someone added "and so on" because the stuff wasn't important to them - shows intolerance) and being so anal about stuff (like rickk) that he's not even kind enough to leave my note to colleagues on there... just has to chop off the page and lock it - like its a plague to the community here. its the kneejerk reaction to this whole thing that i'm upset about. (btw, i'm a newbie at the wiki, but i think i did a good job on my 1st two pages, with links and formatting. but nowhere was it obvious to me about the "talk" page... in fact, you had already commented to me about the vfd and i still had never read my talk page... i think i was too distracted about the vandals defacing my pages.)
    • "a methodology for dealing with parent/child relational data in an excel-type grid" fascinating! -- Decumanus
      • well, think about it. crosstabs only take you so far, and excel still has a row limit. if you'd take time to read my initial post in the discussion page, i think you'd find some interesting ideas on how this type of data can be managed... and still more possibilities exist, which is why this isn't an advert, it was for discussion as plainly stated. theoretical discussions abound i'm sure in this wiki, but not mine, because it doesn't interest you... but the complete list of Pokemon cards is a real valuable use of resources, isn't it? the phrase 'you catch more with honey than vinegar' works both ways... with people jumping on me within hours of the initial post and labeling me a "vandal" (thats love that you'd expect from a theology major, isn't it), why wouldn't i be on the defensive? i'm obviously not a kid who put up a frivolous/obscene website, but the "crucify him, crucify him" chants weren't far behind. instead of commenting in the page about alternatives ways to get what i need done, we see what happened. what a pack of wolves. disgusting.
        • If you would refrain from calling other users names, then other users may be more responsive to your needs, such as asking you ways in which we can use your knowledge in other articles, or encouraging you to use your talents to improve the other pages, but you are just alienating yourself from others with a hostile attitude. Wikipedia isn't a place for primary research], but your knowledge may be valued on some other articles in the Wikipedia. Dysprosia 04:54, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)
          • I think this is a fair example of how folks like RickK form a sort of inverted "welcome wagon" posse to terrorize newbies. I've been swearing mad myself at least once at this unrelenting persecution they deal out to whoever strikes them as a black sheep. This sort of unfortunate introductory experience to the wiki is a source of grave concern. Sam Spade 05:08, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)
          • Dys, no, i think i'll leave and never come back here. Jaymer
  • Thin skins on both sides. Shame on us all. Nevertheless, delete. These articles will not move us closer to the goal of an encyclopedia. There are several other free wikis he can use. Rossami 05:17, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)
    • I thought I was being quite objective. But I think my point has been well made. We must be polite but firm in dealing with this sort of attack, to minimise the damage to our project, which is the encyclopedia. This incident has caused considerable distress to several contributors, including the creator of the page who is quite right that our current rules do seem to allow him five days' free access to do this sort of thing. Speedy delete is the best answer IMO. Andrewa 11:11, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)
      • see ,this is the root of the [your] problem... it wasn't an attack, it wasn't malicious, there was no planning to hurt you. me and a friend (both on the phone) were trying to find someplace where wiki software was "better" than the traditional wiki stuff which was only text based. he had done a google on "wiki" and he actually had found a sample page with pictures (one wide panorama of london was on that page) and then i checked it out, read some stuff and created my page... all seemed fine, easy to use, etc. I had no clue of the '5 days' issue until the vfd issue came up and i went to try and find out what this meant and what rule i had broken. given that it said that pages were voted on for the 5 days, i wrote that somewhere to please let me live that long so colleagues could see this (instead of following a yahoo groups link to a missing page). had no clue of the 'what wikipedia is NOT" page - hadn't seen it, which is why i was thinking of donating because I thought I was ok. Oh, btw, i'm not arguing why i should STAY here - am ready to go, but as Sam Spade realized, there's a bigger issue here. Jaymer
        • I certainly agree that there are bigger issues here. I'm sorry if my comments are what have soured you on Wikipedia, but a bit skeptical about this and several other things you imply. As to whether any of your activities constitute 'attack', perhaps we can agree to disagree here. I think the problem is simply that we raised a false expectation, and you're now bitter about not being able to do it. Just BTW, the software you so like is open source, if you want to use it or even fork it for further development. Andrewa 05:27, 21 Mar 2004 (UTC)
If you hadn't kept deleting the Votes for Deletion header, I wouldn't have needed to protect the page. RickK | Talk 21:02, 20 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Anjouli 04:17, 22 Mar 2004 (UTC)Delete, block and don't feed the trolls! Anjouli 04:17, 22 Mar 2004 (UTC)